about Hida-Kamioka High School

About Hida Kamioka High School

Hida Kamioka High School is located in the north of Gifu Prefecture. It is about a 50-minute drive from Takayma City. The town is famous for Super-Kamiokande, a device built by Tokyo University to detect a neutrino. We have approximately 170 students, so we are the smallest public high school in this prefecture. Our school is a comprehensive high school. We have three courses: Literature and Science, Business and Finance, and Technology. From the second grade, our students can choose what they want to learn.



There used to be two high schools in Kamioka town. One was Hunatsu High School and the other was Kamioka Technical High School. They were integrated and Hida Kamioka High School was founded in 1997.


School Principle

英知(eichi) :Wisdom  創造(souzou):Creation  友愛(yuuai):Friendship

Our school principle was established in 1998. It was chosen from 107 applications.


Goals of Our Education

(1) to find out a good point and possibility of each student and develop them, to enable students to improve their academic ability, and to nurture “Zest for life.”

(2) to produce a school which is reliable, open ,and indispensable to “Takaharagou,” the area where the school is.


Address: 2138-2 Kokaya, Kamioka Town, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture, 506-1143, Japan

Tel: 0578-82-1147 Fax: 0578-82-4865 E-mail: c27341@gifu-net.ed.jp

First step into the future  ~未来への一歩~