Brief History

<Brief History>

May 17th 1886      Takayama junior high school was established.

June 1st was set as the anniversary of the school.

Jul 7th 1886        School name was changed to Hida School.

Oct 26th 1888       School name was changed to Hida Jinjyo junior high school.

Jul 18th 1898       School moved to current location, Sanfukuji, Takayama city.

Apr 1st 1899        School name was changed to Hida junior high school.

Dragonfly was designed as the school seal.

Apr 1st 1901        School uniforms were changed.

2 white line was attached on uniform caps.

Jan 1st 1908        The school song was composed.

Feb 29th 1948       Correspondence courses were created.

Apr 1st 1948        Hida junior high school was promoted to “high school” according to the educational school reform.

School name was changed to Hida High School.

Aug 18th 1948      School name was officially proclaimed Hida High School.

Jun 1st 1986        The 100th anniversary of the school was held.

Jan 18th 2003       Hida High School was the first place for preliminary university

entrance examinations administered by the government(センター入試試験) in Hida area.

Jun 1st 2006        The 120th anniversary of the school was held.

Jun 1st 2016        The 130th anniversary of the school was held.


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