A Message from Our School Principal

Hida High School commemorates its 131st anniversary this year since it was established in 1886. Hida High School students take the initiative in academic learning, club activities, and various school events; moreover, they create their school life meaningfully under the school mottos: “Friendly competition(切磋琢磨)” and “A firm and steadfast purpose(確固不抜)”.

After the commencement ceremony, Hida High School has a famous traditional ceremony called “Hakusen Nagashi”. Through this event, our students are able to feel the nature and traditions in Hida area and the memory of the 3 years they spent in our high school with a wide circle of association and mind growth. Originally, “Hakusen Nagashi” was a small and simple ceremony operated by our students voluntarily. However, “friendship” and “pride for alma mater” are consolidated in our students’ minds; therefore, this ceremony became an important ceremony. I have never forgotten one of the graduates’ statement, “Traditions are continuing to innovate”.

Recently, Hida region tends to be globalized by an increase in the number of tourists; on the other hand, Hida region faces a declining population and aging society. Hida High School provides our students with opportunities to enhance their connection with local community and other schools in order to reconsider our own hometown because most of the students will leave here to get a college education. For instance, “Study Supporter” is one of the efforts. It is that our students go to local elementary schools and junior high schools and learn from one another through learning support. Another example of the efforts is “Idea Contest for re-creation of the home land”. It is that our students suggest new methods of regional activation through the process of considering the local issues.

Hida High School was chosen as one of the Super Global High Schools this year; therefore, we try to foster global perspectives in our students who have a will considering our home, Hida.


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