Welcome to
Toki Commercial High School

  • >>Japanese

  • 2012.4 登校坂から校舎を臨む

     Toki Commercial high School is a commercial high school on the basis of the educational policy which is “Simple and Sturdy・Honest and Open-minded”, and had a 60th memorial ceremony in 2009.

     Our school is favorably located in about 20 minutes from the JR Central Toki station 10 minutes by bus and 10 minutes on foot or about 5 minutes from Toki-Minami & Tajimi IC of Tokai-Kanjo Expressway by car.

     Also, it can be seen grand view of Mt. Ontake or Mt. Ena from school.

    経済産業省 情報処理技術者試験に合格したH23年度卒業生

     The school re-constituted in 2006 and has got two sections, which is Business and Business Information, to cater for four main courses which are Book-keeping accounting section, Marketing section, Communication ( English communication ) section, and Information Processing section. Students can select a course which is interested in and can get close teaching. As a result, students produce fruits such as obtaining high qualifications.

     On students’ future career, some students got 1st Grade, The Official Business Skill Test in Book-keeping, given by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and got an Advanced Grade, License Examination on Book-keeping, giving by the Japan Association of Accounting Education. In addition, school provides close teaching to various types of students such as who went to a university or technical college to be a Certified Public Accountant, who passed License Examination on Information-Technology Engineers, given by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and has worked as an immediate impact of system engineer and programmer, who passed national and regional civil service examination, who went to a higher school to be a nurse or a physical therapist.


     Club activities are very active. There are 20 clubs and the hardball baseball club played in Kousien three times in the past. Also track and field club, weight lifting club, Japanese archery club, book-keeping club, abacus calculation club, and information processing study club are active nationally.

    Today  Total
    since 2009/10/25